
Forum Wellpappe Austria
PROPAK Austria
PROPAK Austria
Brucknerstrasse 8
AT-1041 Wien
Tel + 43 1 505 53 82 34
Fax + 43 505 53 82 44
AT-1041 Wien
Tel + 43 1 505 53 82 34
Fax + 43 505 53 82 44
Email: forum@wellpappe.at
Website: www.wellpappe.at - www.propak.at
President: Mr. Alexander Enzenberg
Secretary General: Mr. Alfred Bartosch
Website: www.wellpappe.at - www.propak.at
President: Mr. Alexander Enzenberg
Secretary General: Mr. Alfred Bartosch
Benelux (Belgium & the Netherlands)

Corrugated Benelux Association
2 Place du Champ de Mars (st floor)
BE -1050 Brussels
Tel + 32 (0)2 340 66 36
BE -1050 Brussels
Tel + 32 (0)2 340 66 36
Email: info@golfkarton.org
Website: www.golfkarton.org // www.cartonondule.org
President: Mr. Dirk Ockerman
Secretary General (Belgium): Mrs Lieve Vanlierde
Secretary General (Netherlands): Mr. Peter van Ostaijen
Website: www.golfkarton.org // www.cartonondule.org
President: Mr. Dirk Ockerman
Secretary General (Belgium): Mrs Lieve Vanlierde
Secretary General (Netherlands): Mr. Peter van Ostaijen

Association of Croatian Corrugated
Board Producers
Board Producers
(C/o DS Smith Belišće Croatia d.o.o.)
Ogrizovićeva 44,
10000 Zagreb
Tel +385 31 516 202
Fax +385 31 516 240
Czech Republic

Svaz Výrobcu Vlnitých Lepenek
Rybna 716/24
CZ-110 00 Prague
Tel +420 553 733 003
CZ-110 00 Prague
Tel +420 553 733 003

Finnish Corrugated Board Association
c/o Suomen Kuitukierrätys Oy
Koulukatu 1
FI-37600 Valkeakoski
Tel +358 40 723 7992
Fax +358 207448999
Koulukatu 1
FI-37600 Valkeakoski
Tel +358 40 723 7992
Fax +358 207448999
Email eija.jokela@aaltopahvi.fi
Website www.aaltopahvi.fi
President: Mr. Ari Viinikkala
Secretary General: Mrs. Eija Jokela
Website www.aaltopahvi.fi
President: Mr. Ari Viinikkala
Secretary General: Mrs. Eija Jokela

4/6 rue Borromée
75015 Paris
Tel +33 1 45 63 13 30
75015 Paris
Tel +33 1 45 63 13 30
Email: contact@cartononduledefrance.org
Website: www.cartononduledefrance.org
President: Mr. Philippe Durand
Secretary General: Mrs. Kareen Desbouis
Website: www.cartononduledefrance.org
President: Mr. Philippe Durand
Secretary General: Mrs. Kareen Desbouis

Verband der Wellpappen-Industrie e.V.
Markgrafenstr. 19
10969 Berlin
Tel +49 6151 929 40
Fax +49 6151 929 430
10969 Berlin
Tel +49 6151 929 40
Fax +49 6151 929 430
Email: grossmann@vdw-da.de
Website : www.wellpappen-industrie.de
President: Dr. Steffen Würth
Secretary General: Dr. Oliver Wolfrum
Website : www.wellpappen-industrie.de
President: Dr. Steffen Würth
Secretary General: Dr. Oliver Wolfrum

Hellenic Paper Packaging Association
32 Romanou Melodou & Kifissias Avenue
15125 - Maroussi - Athens
Tel +30 694 430 2645
15125 - Maroussi - Athens
Tel +30 694 430 2645
Email: info@hppa.gr
Website : https://www.hppa.gr/
President: Vasileios Exarchos
Secretary General: Iphigenia Tarou
Website : https://www.hppa.gr/
President: Vasileios Exarchos
Secretary General: Iphigenia Tarou

Hungarian Federation of Corrugated
Board Manufacturers (MAHUSZ)
Board Manufacturers (MAHUSZ)
Duna u. 42
HU-1215 Budapest
Tel + 36 1 278 8100
HU-1215 Budapest
Tel + 36 1 278 8100
Email: monika.kuti@dunapack-packaging.com
Website: www.dunapack-packaging.com/hu
President: Mr. Dennis Belkovsky
Website: www.dunapack-packaging.com/hu
President: Mr. Dennis Belkovsky

Gruppo Italiano Fabbricanti Cartone Ondulato
Piazza Castello, 28
IT-20121 Milano
Tel +39 02 498 10 51
Fax +39 02 481 69 47
IT-20121 Milano
Tel +39 02 498 10 51
Fax +39 02 481 69 47
Email: info@gifco.it
Website: www.gifco.it
President: Mr. Fausto Ferretti
Secretary General: Mr. Fabio Panetta
Website: www.gifco.it
President: Mr. Fausto Ferretti
Secretary General: Mr. Fabio Panetta

The Association of Polish Papermakers
Pl Komuny Paryskiej 5a
PL-90007 Lodz
Tel +48 42 630 01 17
Pl Komuny Paryskiej 5a
PL-90007 Lodz
Tel +48 42 630 01 17

Warsaw Office
Al. Solidarnosci 117, pok. 408
PL-00 140 Warszawa
Tel +48 22 440 56 34
PL-00 140 Warszawa
Tel +48 22 440 56 34

Associação Nacional dos Industriais
do Papel e Cartão
do Papel e Cartão
Centro Empresarial do Europarque
Sala 101,Rua Interior do Europarque
4520-153 S.M. da Feira
Tel +351 256 060 996
Fax +351 256 023 044
Sala 101,Rua Interior do Europarque
4520-153 S.M. da Feira
Tel +351 256 060 996
Fax +351 256 023 044
Email: p.conceicao@anipc.pt
Website: www.anipc.pt
President: Mr. Inácio Carvalho Alves Ferreira
Secretary General: Mr. Conceição, Pedro
Website: www.anipc.pt
President: Mr. Inácio Carvalho Alves Ferreira
Secretary General: Mr. Conceição, Pedro
Romanian Pulp and Paper Association (ROMPAP)
The Grand Offices
(Inside JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel)
Calea 13 septembrie, nr.90, Et.4, cam 4,
20-21 Sector 5 Bucharest 050726
Tel +40.740.531.438
(Inside JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel)
Calea 13 septembrie, nr.90, Et.4, cam 4,
20-21 Sector 5 Bucharest 050726
Tel +40.740.531.438

Asociación Española de Fabricantes
de Envases y Embalajes de Cartón Ondulado
de Envases y Embalajes de Cartón Ondulado
Orense, 66 - 1° D
ES-28020 Madrid
Tel +34 91 571 17 02
Fax +34 91 572 24 03
ES-28020 Madrid
Tel +34 91 571 17 02
Fax +34 91 572 24 03
Email: afco@afco.es
President: Mr. Leopoldo Santorromán Saldaña
Secretary General: Mr. Ignacio Carro Marina

Arbio AB (SWIF)
Storgatan 19
114 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel +46 8 762 72 05
President: Mr. Isaksson, Anders
Managing Director: Mrs Eva Glückman
United Kingdom

Confederation of Paper Industries Ltd.
Kingston House,
Lydiard Fields,
Swindon SN5 8UB
Tel +44 1793 88 96 00
Fax +44 1793 87 87 00
Lydiard Fields,
Swindon SN5 8UB
Tel +44 1793 88 96 00
Fax +44 1793 87 87 00
Email: cpi@paper.org.uk
Website: www.paper.org.uk
President: Mr. Kevin Bussey
Executive Director - Sustainable Products: Mrs. Dimitra Rappou
Website: www.paper.org.uk
President: Mr. Kevin Bussey
Executive Director - Sustainable Products: Mrs. Dimitra Rappou